
Association Longo maï
Hameau Les Magnans
F – 04300 Pierrerue
00 33 /(0)4 92 75 18 86
00 33/(0)6 03 18 60 71

For group stays, the organization of internships, special requests, catering needs on site: contact us! We will try to provide a solution to simplify your rental.

To come by train or bus:

  • Avignon train station, then bus to Forcalquier
  • Marseille or Aix-en-Provence train station then train to Brillanne-Oraison or bus to Forcalquier
  • Grenoble, then Veynes then La Brillanne-Oraison

A question ? A special request?

[contact-form to="" subject="Message reçu sur le site"][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="E-mail Address" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" required="1"][/contact-form]